Round Crochet Bag Patterns

Hello people! I hope all is well during these holidays! Round Crochet Bag is the  theme today!

Here we are again to talk a little about crochet bags, more specifically about the round ones!

There are so many amazing round crochet bag patterns, that it will be difficult for you to decide which one you will want to make first. I mean, those who get to know about some of these amazing ideas we are sharing here, will end up making a model for every occasion.

The round shape is refreshing and well thought, full of details and trims that catch our eyes and are innovative. Also, the crochet bags have certain differences in that we’d like to point out.

Some of these differences are about the sizes, types of yarns such as knitted yarn and twine, styles, accessories, colors and prints that are raised during production.


And as we always say here, you should always take into consideration the preferences of each person who is interested in crochet and loves to know its possibilities.

So, see below how we share some different styles of bags and also provide you with a very special step by step tutorial!

Round Crochet Bag Trends

The round crochet bag is a must have item, there are different sizes, besides being very simple to be made.

Firstly, we’d like to draw your attention to the mix of wood and crochet, a fashion design which offers an amazing visual effect.

As we mentioned, we have many models and each one is for a specific occasion. However, this format is very youthful and creative, being often used for colorful bags or with personalized prints.

Another feature of the round bag is that a great choice for wearing with fringes, chains, gemstones and leather.

The rounded shape becomes even more compact and perfect for delicate shaping with strings and other ties.

Other models use bottoms which makes them have a more harmonious appearance.

Round Crochet Bag Sizes

The little ones are pretty hand for it can contain essential items such as cell phones, keys, wallets and documents.

They also serve for casual situations, day or night walks, and even for a party.

The medium size stands as an intermediate and substitute option for almost all types of hypotheses, which depends on the model.

It can be an alternative for many people who want to carry the round crochet bag to work or social and family gatherings.

Finally, the larger size is the one you will need if you are someone that likes to carry all your things to places, or when you need to take a lot of things in a specific situation.

As a matter of fact, we all know that being able to go to the beach or spend some days in a friend’s house, for example, are the focus of many accessories, clothes and products that cannot be left out.

However, the perception of what is charming or beautiful is relative to the size that suits people who are cool and want a creative bag to complete their look.

After this short briefing about the round bags, we will leave you with a Bernat Convertible Crochet Blanket Bag!

You can find amazing designs online!

This crochet bag is convertible and has a crochet zig zag stitch! You can literally have it with you with any of the given situations above! Check it out on the link:

That’s it girls! I really hope you’ve enjoyed this article and it helped you on having some insights about crochet bags! I really recommend you trying the tutorial above. And of course, don’t forget to share your ideas on the comments! Bye!

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